
6 common beliefs of internet transmission vs. satellite

This article is dedicated to doctors and IT departments in hospitals who often ask us « is Internet transmission reliable and secure? », and « how is it suitable for the medical environment? ». Every situation is unique and we work hand in hand with you to develop your own solution. Here are some common beliefs to help you make the right choice for your live transmission.

1- What is the difference between satellite and Internet broadcasting?

Costs, delay and logistics !
For a satellite broadcasting you’ll need to run a cable between the operating room and a truck parked outside. You’ll need to have a clear view of the sky and the transmission may cause echo. You’ll also need to reserve slots for broadcasting via satellite and the cost is usually calculated per minute.

Internet broadcasting: The webcast is managed by a codec, which handles audio and video feedback and prevents any echo. To use the  codec all you will need is a network connection. What’s great about this option is that there is no delay between questions and answers. If the Internet connection is active then there is no concept of time. It is therefore possible to make several breaks during an event to broadcast longer interventions. In the schedule delay setting, the absence of slots provides greater flexibility. The cost of Internet distribution is also more competitive because you’re using a lightweight option.

2- Why does an Internet transmission offer better interactivity than satellite?

Medinbox gagne le Prix La Tribune BNP Paribas Jeune Entrepreneur

Catégorie Santé - Région Centre Sud

Toulouse, le 18 Novembre 2015

Medinbox a remporté la première étape du «Prix La Tribune BNP Paris Jeune Entrepeneur», organisée par le célèbre journal La Tribune et la banque BNP Paribas. Cette distinction récompense à la fois la solution Medinbox, conçue à des fins médicales, et le travail de Nicolas Gausserand, co-fondateur Medinbox, au sein de l’écosystème de l’innovation française.

Ce Prix constitue le premier tour d’un challenge national : la prochaine étape aura lieu en février prochain via un sondage internet, suivie d’un pitch de 5 minutes en mars 2016 à Paris…
Affaire à suivre donc…

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